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Aryan invader, Sumer |
Around 1500 BCE the Vedic
Aryans enter India, destroy the higher civilization of the Indus and initiate a
new age of male gods. From both the Bible and the Greek myths we learn that
with the dawn of the Iron Age (c 1250 BCE in the Near East) patriarchal warrior
tribesmen radically change and even suppress the old goddess mythologies. They
come either from the Syro-Arabian deserts (the Semites) or from the plains of
Europe and southern Russia (the Aryans). Now the Goddess is either slain or
subjugated by being raped. Already in Sumer, the first of the higher
civilizations (c 3500-2350 BCE), the god Enlil rapes the goddess Ninlil.
At about 1000 BCE, the
Hebrews invert the entire symbolic system of the primitive, ancient and
Oriental mythologies. The goddess Earth becomes the dust from which Adam is
made (Hebrew, adamah, earth) and the legend of the rib is a patriarchal
inversion of the myth of the hero born of the goddess Earth. Writes Camille
Paglia, author of Sexual Personae, “The book of Genesis is a male declaration
of independence from the ancient mother-cults. . . It remade the world by male
dynasty, canceling the power of mothers." she
Portraying the story of Jesus
as a unique historic event is another biblical distortion, since the tale of a
killed and resurrected god has shaped virtually every civilization in the
world. In the Dionysian rites, e.g., the Greek god Dionysus was torn to pieces as a child by the Titans and dies but rises again. And, as Greek authors Pindar and
Euripides report, these rites are pretty much the same as those the Phrygians (a people in Asia Minor) performed
in honor of the Great Mother,
Gods take over the goddesses' power...
The Muslim god Allah is a late Islamic masculinization of the Arabian Goddess Al-Lat or Al-Ilat, formerly worshiped at the Kaaba in Mecca. In the Greek legacy, the goddesses who once reigned supreme become subordinated to the Olympian gods. Hera, e.g., who was worshipped alone in the temple of Heraion in Olympia, is forcibly married (to Zeus) and made the protector of marriage.
Gods take over the goddesses' power...
The Muslim god Allah is a late Islamic masculinization of the Arabian Goddess Al-Lat or Al-Ilat, formerly worshiped at the Kaaba in Mecca. In the Greek legacy, the goddesses who once reigned supreme become subordinated to the Olympian gods. Hera, e.g., who was worshipped alone in the temple of Heraion in Olympia, is forcibly married (to Zeus) and made the protector of marriage.
The earth-goddess Pandora, whom the Greeks sacrificed to, now becomes temptress instead of inspirer. And in the patriarchal version of the old Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris, Isis gives up her dreadful aspect of matriarchal dominance and becomes Hathor, the dutiful wife. She then delegates her power to her son Horus and through him to the Pharaos of Egypt.
The Greek hero myths
personalize the conflict between the patriarchal and matriarchal worlds as
clashes between two irreconcilable kinship systems. Clytemnestra’s murder of
her husband Agamemnon (for having sacrificed their daughter Iphigenia) is no
crime under the matriarchal principle, only a just retribution in the name of
blood-revenge. Under the patriarchal principle adopted by the Olympian gods
it’s OK for Orestes to kill his mother Clytemnestra. This is what Achilles declares in acquitting him:
“The mother is not parent of her so-called
only nurse of the new-sown seed.
man who puts it there is parent;
merely cultivates the shoot”
Although the goddess religion
survives long into patriarchal times, a telling example of what looks like a
growing revolt against it can be found in the Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh
(from about 2500 BCE), which sometimes is called the world‘s earliest literary document.
Here the young Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, boldly declares that he doesn’t want to
marry the Goddess Ishtar, since she'd killed off all her earlier consorts.
...but not without struggle.
Countless legends from all over the world tell about the hard work it takes for men to wrest leadership from women. Common to most are stories of some shining hero who conquers a monster representing an earlier order of godhood. As for instance the victories of Indra, king of the Vedic pantheon, over the cosmic serpent Vritra; of Yahweh over Leviathan, the serpent of the cosmic sea; and of Zeus over Typhon, half-man, half-snake and son of Gaia, the goddess Earth--the victory that assures the reign of the Olympic gods over the Titans.
Countless legends from all over the world tell about the hard work it takes for men to wrest leadership from women. Common to most are stories of some shining hero who conquers a monster representing an earlier order of godhood. As for instance the victories of Indra, king of the Vedic pantheon, over the cosmic serpent Vritra; of Yahweh over Leviathan, the serpent of the cosmic sea; and of Zeus over Typhon, half-man, half-snake and son of Gaia, the goddess Earth--the victory that assures the reign of the Olympic gods over the Titans.
In each of these--by Campbell
termed ‘mythological defamations’--the role of demon, or anti-god, is pasted on
a figure from an earlier mythology; and from now on all that’s good and noble
is attributed to the new master gods. The female principle is devalued and (as
Jung indicates) when a power of nature is shut out, it always turns negative,
even demonic--a dangerous threat to the castle of reason.
Suddenly--though I suggest at the end of a long gathering storm--woman becomes an object of the most ferocious anger and hatred. At the same time she descends into a kind of non-person, subordinate to man on all social levels in practically all cultures. For some suggestions about the motives for this spectacular change, see next post.
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Suddenly--though I suggest at the end of a long gathering storm--woman becomes an object of the most ferocious anger and hatred. At the same time she descends into a kind of non-person, subordinate to man on all social levels in practically all cultures. For some suggestions about the motives for this spectacular change, see next post.
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