Besides organized war the
most crucial social change that patriarchal rule introduces is a reversal of the outlook on the sexes. This society’s ‘ordinary’ state of consciousness, or 'natural' way of looking at things, is shaped by an
ideology of female inferiority so uncompromising that it makes the subjugation of women seem natural. In their relentless pursuit of
male power, the leaders set up rigid gender roles. Men can play any roles, women only those that cater to male needs;
they lack even the right to speak up for themselves.
In her book The Creation of
Patriarchy historian Gerda Lerner points out that the reason women
have been able to participate in the process of their subordination is that
they are psychologically shaped to internalize their own inferiority. Among the
devices securing their cooperation she mentions gender indoctrination (hammering
in women’s secondary status); educational deprivation (including knowledge of
women‘s history); restraints and outright coercion; discrimination in access to
economic resources and political power; distinguishing between women as
‘respectable’ or ‘deviant’ according to their sexual activities; and awarding
class privileges to conforming women.
The most effective tool in
bringing women to their knees is the institution of monogamy. Because its
express purpose is to produce children of undisputed paternity, monogamy is for
the woman only, not for the man. To her marriage means being dominated by the
husband and, like other pieces of property, confined to the home. In Asiatic
towns eunuchs keep watch over her; in Athens she lives in a separate women’s apartment
and only goes out in the company of a female slave.
"To imprint the notion that a woman is happiest when subservient to a husband takes years of stifling her healthiest impulses," psychiatrist Helen Deutsch writes in The Psychology of Women. She must renounce her own achievements, repress her initiative and give up her aspirations (some of which she may not even be conscious of)--all things she cannot do without anxiety.
In his book The Anatomy of
Human Destructiveness, Erich Fromm reflects on how it affects
people to have to live severely restricted lives. “Life has an inner
dynamism of its own; it tends to grow, to be expressed, to be lived,” and, “if
this tendency is thwarted the energy directed toward life” turns toward
destruction. “Destructiveness is the outcome of unlived life.”
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Rape of the Sabine Women |
Engels believes women accept monogamy to get protection against rape, allegedly rampant at the time. Today, when living in a world where sexual violence is not only endemic but widely practiced with immunity, we know only too well that rape is as rampant as ever. Judith L. Herman and Lisa Hirschman (authors of Father-Daughter Incest) argue that this abnormality--rather than a deviance from an ethical family concept--is a logical outcome of the way the patriarchal family is organized. Because monogamy is an institution invented to maintain the superiority of men, the right to have “sexual relations with subordinate women becomes a jealously guarded male prerogative, guaranteed by the explicit and tacit consent of all men.”
Engels believes women accept monogamy to get protection against rape, allegedly rampant at the time. Today, when living in a world where sexual violence is not only endemic but widely practiced with immunity, we know only too well that rape is as rampant as ever. Judith L. Herman and Lisa Hirschman (authors of Father-Daughter Incest) argue that this abnormality--rather than a deviance from an ethical family concept--is a logical outcome of the way the patriarchal family is organized. Because monogamy is an institution invented to maintain the superiority of men, the right to have “sexual relations with subordinate women becomes a jealously guarded male prerogative, guaranteed by the explicit and tacit consent of all men.”
Does rape begin when men
learn that sex is connected to pregnancy, as some have suggested? Even if
making this connection may awaken the idea of rape, I don’t think it’s
practiced until the decline of matriarchy. British author Robert Graves
suggests that Zeus’s many rapes illustrate the Hellenic conquest of the goddess
shrines and the triumph of patriarchy over matriarchy. Considering how common
mass rape is as a war tactic, it’s easy to link rape to warfare and to male
retaliation against women. As Susan Brownmiller puts it in Against Our Will,
Men, Women and Rape, rapists have served “in the longest sustained
battle the world has ever known.”
Does monogamy have an adverse
effect also on men? During matriarchal times, one thing a man can take
unequivocal pride in is his capacity as lover. He’s the bearer of the phallus,
the source of women’s sexual enjoyment and a prominent focus of joyous
celebration at the religious sites. But once women can show lust only on
command and are severely punished for any spontaneous display of it, the era of
female eroticism comes to an end. Gone is not only the cult of the phallus that was so prominent in the goddess religion; but also the widely
held conviction that sexuality free of any bonds is a state of psychic openness
to the divine, capable of pacifying an angry god and
averting illness or other misfortune.
What happened to love?
I suggest monogamy makes a
mess also of the affective relationship between the sexes. Although we can’t
really know what place such a relationship has in matriarchal times, I suppose the patriarchal husband stands to lose as much as his wife from the restrictions on female sexual desire. For
if she is with him because she has to and not because she wants to, how
likely is he to get any of the things that count most in close relationships? Like
spontaneous affection, sincere appreciation, true respect--or even the really
satisfying, mutual kind of physical pleasure? Not to speak of unconditional love?
Because sex is
necessary for our survival, and plays into everything we are
and do, patriarchy’s profanation of sexual intercourse amounts to a condemnation of
human nature. That later the Christian religion embraced it with glee means that the shaming and defiling of an essential human instinct became entrenched in our everyday psychopathology.
Or as German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche puts it in his Genealogy of Morals, “Christianity gave Eros poison to drink. Eros did not die of it, to be sure, but degenerated into Vice.”
Or as German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche puts it in his Genealogy of Morals, “Christianity gave Eros poison to drink. Eros did not die of it, to be sure, but degenerated into Vice.”
To try to understand some of the
motives for these developments, let’s now look deeper into the Monumental Male Inferiority
or Mother Complex, which I consider the impetus and prime mover of patriarchy. See
next post.
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